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Pic: @anjakraulpictures

Simon Thule

Name: Simon Thule
Year of birth: 2001
Profession: Windsurfer and high school
Disciplines: Wave
Favourite sail: Quad
Other sponsors: Starboard, Maui Ultra Fins, Brunotti, Jytas, Athome
Best results: 1st IFCA Wave European Championship U21 2019, 2nd PWA Cold Hawaii U20 2020, 1st Danish Wave Championship U20 2020
Favourite spots: Cape Town, Pozo, Cold Hawaii, Djursland
Moves: Double forward, Stalled forward, Backloop, Arials and late hits!

Pic: Anja Kraul Pictures
Pic: @ilostawavein79
Pic: Anja Kraul Pictures


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